discover the novelties of the Mw.T Label's
Focus on stoneware, the "Apple-Pomme" and "Jolie-Bobine".Go on Mw.T Label !

The Malle W. Trousseau assembles a careful selection of implements that are essential for enjoyable cooking: objects that are designed above all to be used, and not just to please the eye, even if they do that too. Over the years we have made our selection based on a tool’s intrinsic integrity and practicality and on three fundamental criteria: the object must be Well thought-out, Well designed and Well made.

The Malle W. Trousseau has three trays: « CUTTING », « COOKING », « CONTAINING ».

Who hasn’t cursed the ‘good’ knife that won’t cut, the warped chopping board or the dishcloth that doesn’t dry? Maybe this is because nowadays, we live in a world where objects are made to be consumed and then ‘re-consumed'.

The objects presented in the Malle W. Trousseau are made by craftsmen with a genuine savoir-faire and love of their craft. The objects we have found over the years are timeless and they soon became an integral part of our own household. So it is natural to ask us where the idea of grouping them together in a trunk came from. The answer is that when our daughter Dalva was leaving home, she asked us “Can I take the Corsican knife and the chopping board that Jules made and…” And that reminded us of the trousseau that our grandparents would receive when they got married. Fashions have changed. But the idea of offering the best that will last a lifetime is a hugely generous act in itself and inspired us to create the Malle W. Trousseau. And what’s with the W? It’s a reminder of the travellers’ initials that adorned their trunks long ago. 

The Malle W. Trousseau is the gift of a lifetime, for a lifetime. 


                                                                                  Isabelle Mathez & Fredéric Winkler